Super Swing Districts 2024

The SuperSwingDistrict Strategy: Quick Overview

The geographic distribution of votes matters Because of the Electoral College, US Senate, and gerrymandering votes in some places matter more than others.

For example: Arizona, a swing state in both the Electoral College and US Senate has 2 tossup congressional districts, which overlap the tipping point seats for Democrats to tie and gain a majority in the AZ state senate,
and also overlap important seats for a Democratic majority in the AZ state house.
 In geographically overlapping swing districts in swing states – Super Swing Districts – each voter casts multiple votes in different swing elections up and down the ballot.

Coattails and Reverse Coattails

Traditional coattails
High profile candidates attract supporters to the polls, who then also vote for the party’s downballot candidates.
Reverse coattails
Downballot candidates bring friends, neighbors, and folks they meet campaigning door-to-door to the polls, who then vote for the party’s other candidates.

For example: Native American leader Shelly Fyant, running for the state house in a Republican-held Montana district with many Native Americans will bring out some voters who otherwise might not have voted, providing reverse coattails for Jon Tester for US Senate and Monica Tranel for US House and other Democrats on the ballot.

Money matters more down ballot

Difference in campaign financial resources across the ballot.

Most expensive Pennsylvania Elections, 2022, Total D+R spending, approximately:
US Senate $400 million
US House $40 million
State Senate $4 million
State House $2 million

SuperSwingDistrict Candidates

This slate features a diverse set of 18 super candidates for State Senate and State House of Representatives (State Assembly in NV and WI).

Diversity: 1 non-binary candidate, 11 women, 1 gay man, 4 straight men; 2 Native American, 2 African American, + Latinx, Chicano, Asian American, & Arab American candidates.

5 young candidates 28-35; 4 candidates 36-44. 2 candidates are incumbents (Lorena Austin & Shea Backus); 14 running against R incumbents; Shelly Fyant & Christian Phelps running in R open seats.

These Democrats are:

6 Super Pennsylvania candidates

6 Super Southwest Candidates

6 Super Swing State Candidates